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July 2002
o News:
- FTP Manager: an add-on to send project files onto the web.
- Regular expressions to search.
- Clip Library to add different code snippets from a list.
- iCoBoX: new Add-On to create .gif from .ico in all formats (.icl, .exe, .dll and .ico)
- Add-ons are separated components; you will download a module at run-time at their first startup.
- 'Html Strict' management. This allow you to insert tags <br />, <hr />, etc. instead of <br>, <hr>.
o Improvements:
- Only one file to download with HAPedit, languages and add-ons.
- Code Completion lists php functions and constants defined in your code (current document plus any included documents).
- Code Completion is faster.
- Checking links or images URL displays error type (Not Found, Timeout, etc.).
- Option to set tab width.
- Quicker startup when you have several files open.
o Fixed bugs:
- 'Undo' function didn't work in some cases.
- Set <meta> tags in uppercase.
- In the settings for syntax highlighting colors, some attributes were not saved.
- And also minor bugs.
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– Version 3.09.2009 –